[MCOH-EH] Does workplace drug testing for marijuana change when a state legalizes it?

Thorne, Craig Craig.Thorne at YNHH.ORG
Thu May 9 12:39:23 PDT 2019

Good afternoon everyone,

I am curious if anyone can answer some of these questions relating to workplace drug testing for marijuana when a state legalizes it?

1.      Do Medical Centers remove marijuana from its panel (for non CDL/federal workers)

a.       Does such a panel even exist?

2.      If you are providing employee health services to external companies, do they (or can they) ask you to exclude marijuana from testing?

3.      Bonus question :) - How do law enforcement officers recognize and test for marijuana if a driver appears intoxicated?

Of course, any references would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you,

Craig Thorne, M.D.

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