[MCOH-EH] accommodations for masks with air flow tube

PRATER, DEANNA deanna.prater at bayareahospital.org
Thu May 28 14:06:38 PDT 2020

We are starting to see a number of employees in the healthcare setting wearing makes that have an attached air flow tube.  They are connected to a battery power pack and push air into the mask.  Are you allowing employees to use these in the healthcare setting?  Are you concerned about the air being pushed out potentially being a higher risk for infecting others?

We made the decision to not allow these, and now I am getting all kinds of complaints from staff that not being able to use these aggravates everything from COPD, asthma, acne/herpes sores, to chest pain etc.  We've advised staff they can apply for an accommodation, but I'm not sure what this would be.  Any advice or experience with this??

Also, we have staff saying the CO2 buildup from wearing a mask causes headaches and other complaints. Does anyone have some literature to share that de-bunks the CO2 build-up theories?

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