On 8/31/2017 1:59 PM, Angeli Mancuso wrote:
I sincerely appreciate the input and perspectives from this group. I have some follow up questions that I’m curious how others are handling:
1)      For current employees, how are you getting folks into compliance with this regulation?


After seeing a number of references to "Pharma 800 requirements" and "the new hazardous drug administration regulation." I made several inquiries to the NIOSH and OSHA folks at the AOHP Conference in Denver. None of them recognized the term "Pharma 800", and they were unable to find any references to that specific term online.

They were also puzzled by references to "USP 800 regulations" or "USP 800 rules".

NIOSH has compiled an updated list of antineoplastic and other hazardous drugs (NIOSH List of Antineoplastic and Other Hazardous Drugs in Healthcare Settings, 2014).

Relevant OSHA regulations include:

Can any list members provide a specific reference to the origin of the term "Pharma 800" if it is something other than what the OSHA and NIOSH representatives described, or if the term refers to a specific set of regulations?

Your comments and recommendations are most welcome regarding the development and implementation of policies which will promote professionally-endorsed "best practices," but in the absence of specific regulations the MCOH-EH List's principal role may well be supporting the exchange of creative approaches to this issue.


Joe Fanucchi

Joe Fanucchi MD FACOEM
President and Medical Director
MediTrax / OHS, Inc.

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