Hi MCOH peeps,


This is a shameless plug for the Medical Center Occupational Health Basics course, April 27, 2018 in New Orleans. This is a Pre-Course associated with ACOEM’s annual meeting. If you are an MD/DO/NP/PA and are new to this particular niche of occupational medicine - or would just like a one-stop refresher on what’s new in the field, this is a day well spent (if I do say so myself.) Last year’s reviews were enthusiastic, so ACOEM has asked us to present this again.


Topics on this year’s agenda include:

·         Protecting Health Care Workers from Emerging Threats

·         Updates in Blood Borne Pathogen Exposures

·         Vaccine-Preventable Diseases: Prevention and Exposure Management

·         Tuberculosis and Other Infectious Diseases

·         Managing the Infected HCW

·         Chemical Hazards and USP <800>

·         Radiological Hazards

·         OSHA Emphasis on Health Care Facilities

·         Workplace Violence

·         Healthcare Ergonomics


To learn more about the course, or to register, visit the AOHC website at https://www.acoem.org/AOHC.aspx


Hope to see you there in NOLA!




Melanie Swift, MD
Senior Associate Consultant

Division of Preventive, Occupational, and Aerospace Medicine

Phone 507.284.2560

Mayo Clinic
200 First Street SW
Rochester, MN 55905