I am curious as to what other facilities are using as their drug screen methods for the following:



Reasonable suspicion/cause or other mandatory


I am researching with plans to change our methods due to continuous reports and the new creative ways employees are coming up with in hopes of avoiding a positive result; such as, devices, using someone else’s urine & maintaining adequate temp and actually have had 1 reported method where someone was injecting via catheter “homemade” urine who was eventually caught.





Thank you,


Darlene Sims MSN,FNP-C

Director Infirmary Employee Health Services

Locations at MIMC, Thomas Hospital ,NBI &ACH

185 Mobile Infirmary Blvd

Mobile, Al 36607

MIMC office (251)435-3377 opt 3 fax (251)435-3067

Thomas Hospital (251)279-1605 fax (251)279-1606

NBI (251)937-5521 ext 1860

ACH (251)368-6314


