I am interested in how many hospitals do pre place physical therapy evaluations on pre hire candidates. Could you please tell me if you perform these evals and how many pounds
the pre place candidate needs to lift? We do physical therapy evaluations on pre-place assessments that are going to be in direct patient care. The lifting requirement is 50 pounds for our facility. I am wondering if we should continue to do them as I am
not sure of the advantage of having them done. We have done them for the past 10 years and no one has been rejected even if they cannot lift the 50 pound requirement. Some have refused due to pregnancy and have returned after their term to do the physical
therapy eval piece, however we have left them work without passing the pt eval. Any input is greatly appreciated. Thanks
Cathy Senior RN BSN CDE
Employee Health Director
Penn Highlands DuBois
100 Hospital Avenue
P.O. Box 447
DuBois Pa 15801
Phone 814-375-3392
Fax 814-372-2610