On 7/23/2019 10:45 AM, Tim Crump wrote:

We have been using virtual care for some of our BBF exposure management. The goal is to use them for after-hours exposures to reduce the impact on the ED. We have found that training the VVUC providers is critical, as this is a different process for them. We provided a 30-minute training for staff with a PowerPoint they can refer back to and had them manage for several months some exposures that occurred while we were open so that they could consult with our providers. It is still a work in progress, but it is a wonderful concept; do not underestimate the importance of provider trainings and specifying workflows (e.g. how workers are notified of source and baseline results). Cheers, Tim


Tim Crump, MSN, FNP

Tim Crump, MSN, FNP

Family Nurse Practitioner

Multnomah Pavilion 1 SE, Suite 1110

Occupational Health

Healthcare Human Resources


Oregon Health & Science University

3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd

Mail code: UHN 89

Portland, OR 97239-3098

Department Phone: 503-494-5271

Office Phone: 503-346-1152

Fax: 503-494-4457

Email: crumpt@ohsu.edu


Mon-Fri, 7:30-4:00



After several list members requested copies, Tim generously provided us with the PowerPoint. The maillist server returned it to him because it's 5.5 MB in size, and there's a 1 MB size limit for MCOH-EH messages.

However, you can download the OHSU VUC Training Powerpoint by clicking this link.

Tim commented:

Here is the PowerPoint we used for Virtual Visit training. I emptied the content of slides 4 and 5 since they had stats specific to our institution. You might consider adding in info specific to your institution. Feel free to give feedback; that’s how things get better.
Best, Tim

Joe Fanucchi

Joe Fanucchi MD FACOEM
President and Medical Director
MediTrax / OHS, Inc.

MediTrax software: Everything you need, at a fraction of the cost!