Several years ago legal counsel at another medical center in NH indicated that placing a sticker on an ID badge for flu vaccination was not a great idea since this is a public acknowledgment of individual medical information and could be challenged as a HIPAA violation regardless of facility policies.
Just a thought.
-------- Original message --------
From: Anne Mills <>
Date: 10/9/19 4:23 PM (GMT-04:00)
Subject: [MCOH-EH] Flu Vaccine Status Indicators
We recently transitioned to a influenza vaccine policy that requires masking for non-vaccinated health care personnel. We use badge stickers as status indicators. I am curious how others have made this work. We are a regional medical center with multiple, off-site primary care and specialty practices. We have many non-employed credentialed providers who participate in this program.
Flu vaccine is provided in Employee Health Services and department-based, "Flu Vaccine Ambassadors". However, there are so many others that vaccinate elsewhere, or are in departments without an Ambassador.
We have not been able to identify an efficient means to deploy stickers. Your experiences are welcomed.
Anne C. Mills, MSN, RN, COHN-S
Concord Hospital
Director Employee Health Services
| ( (603) 230-1962| 7 (603) 227-7126