From: MCOH-EH [] On Behalf Of Kim Mccracken
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2019 10:08 AM
Subject: [SPAM-BF] [MCOH-EH] Mandatory Influenza Vaccination Programs
Importance: Low




If your hospital system has a mandatory influenza vaccination program in place:


1.      What time frame do your employees have to complete mandated vaccination?  All employees in clinical areas must receive a vaccine by 11/6/19. “mask on” date is determined by prevalence of flu in the community and admissions to the hospital. Clinical staff must have a medical exemption if they do not receive the vaccine. Non-clinical staff can decline, but they must wear a mask.

2.      One month?  Two weeks?

3.      How many employees are in your system? 2000


Thank you,


Kim W. McCracken,RN

Business Relations Manager

McLeod Occupational Health



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