Emma S. Smith, RN, COHN

Employee Health Manager


Phone: (814) 234-6731

Fax: (814) 234-6179

Pager: 1202


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From: MCOH-EH [mailto:mcoh-eh-bounces@mylist.net] On Behalf Of PRATER, DEANNA
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2020 2:16 PM
Subject: [EXTERNAL]: Re: [MCOH-EH] USP 800 - WOEMA advisory statement




From: MCOH-EH <mcoh-eh-bounces@mylist.net> On Behalf Of Leslie Thompson via MCOH-EH
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2020 11:11
To: MCOH-EH <mcoh-eh@mylist.net>
Cc: Leslie Thompson <Leslie.Thompson@sharp.com>
Subject: [MCOH-EH] USP 800 - WOEMA advisory statement


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I am taking the USP 800 advisory statement to our legal department for review.  Before doing so, I wanted to get a pulse check on where other organizations are on the medical surveillance issue.  I realize I am oversimplifying with the following categories and you may fall somewhere in between.  Please vote:

1.       Not doing any medical surveillance

2.       Doing limited medical surveillance to only those with specific verified exposure to hazardous drugs as suggested by WOEMA

3.       Performing medical surveillance for employees with potential for exposure beyond what WOEMA recommends


I am happy to tabulate and share with the group.


p.s. I believe someone on this listserv already shared but in case you missed it, here is a link to the advisory statement from WOEMA https://www.woema.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/WOEMA-USP800-approved-12-4-2019.pdf?x51975




Leslie Thompson, RN, MSN, ANP

Manager, Employee Occupational Health Department

Sharp HealthCare

8695 Spectrum Center Blvd

San Diego, CA  92123


P: 858-499-5264 F:858-499-5317




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