I haven’t seen anything on this topic but its certainly possible I missed it. And I am sure others have had the same idea.
In the best of all worlds, we could use respirators for the time needed and then get a new one. Or if the strap breaks, a new respirator is available. And, our respirators would be current and not old,
But it’s not the bests of all worlds and we need respirators.
One of the things that appears to be happening to older respirators is that the rubber on the straps deteriorates faster than the respirator itself. Or the strap breaks on even a new respirator as tightened. That may be a respirator
An engineer friend noted he has had this on things like dust masks, etc.
Usually the strap will keep breaking if you staple it back on.
Use a fresh respirator if the strap breaks. Use a new stock respirator if you have it.
But, try a heavy duty rubber band stapled on and keep using what you have until a better solution comes along.
Karl Auerbach MD
Albany, NY
My hope, nothing more…