We don’t have any rations.  But we have a full-time nurse and full-time assistant for 1200 employees + providers.  We do all things EH related, Workers comp, workplace violence Prevention Committee, Influenza clinic and now all of the contact tracing and Covid exposure work-ups.


From: MCOH-EH <mcoh-eh-bounces@mylist.net> On Behalf Of Charles Hackett
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2020 06:38
To: MCOH/EH <mcoh-eh@mylist.net>
Subject: [MCOH-EH] Staffing Ratio


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We are being asked by our management if there are published staffing ratios for employee health in employee health organizations.

Our population size has expanded considerably and our EOHS staff has shrunk. We are trying to give back up references to justify maintaining and or expanding our staff resources.

Any help would be great

Thank you

Charles Hackett MD, MPH

Lifespan, Providence, RI

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