This is a follow up to my inquiry from last week…whether colleagues are granting accommodations for working with COVID-19 patients, solely on the basis of a BMI >30.
There were four respondents. None of them were granting accommodations without comorbidities.
I would really like to get some more responses….please respond directly to me. So, c’mon.
Meanwhile, I’d like to share something… I was able to look at the biometrics of our population of employees in my system. Source was our “Wellness” Program. 25% (approx. 1500/6000) had BMIs
Going to tease it out a bit more by job title, some additional person characteristics. Probably won’t be any surprises, but an interesting exercise. More fun than taking care of back pain.
Ed Galaid
Edward I. Galaid, MD, MPH, FACOEM
Medical Director, Occupational Medicine
Roper Saint Francis Healthcare
Charleston, SC 29401
Member, ACOEM Task Group on Law Enforcement Officer Health
Special Expert, NFPA Fire Service Occupational Safety & Health (FIX-AAA) Committee