Occupational Health is currently performing all testing on employees and Providers.  This is a single person doing the testing and we have over 1200 employees + Providers.  For occupational exposures, department needs to return a worker sooner with mild symptoms, etc., I bill to our Covid-19 cost center.  For all others, I bill to their insurance provider.


Because I am so busy, I try to have an established time to test people.  I require that they provide their insurance information, DOB, address before we meet so that all paperwork is ready and all swabs are pre-labeled.  I schedule people one minute apart, and emphasize that they show up promptly at their time.  I stand outside of the building and they pull up.


From: MCOH-EH <mcoh-eh-bounces@mylist.net> On Behalf Of Charles Hackett
Sent: Monday, November 02, 2020 05:36
To: MCOH/EH <mcoh-eh@mylist.net>
Subject: [MCOH-EH] Covid Testing


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We are being inundated with an increase need to test employees for covid. 

It’s being driven both by demands from our DOH and an increase in cases seen amongst our employees 

Like all of you our employee health team is stretched to the breaking point

We are trying to look at different ways of structuring our testing program

At the present time all covid testing is coordinated through employee health

How are you structuring your testing

Do you have a separate covid testing center?

Have you been able to increase resources to meet demand 

Any insight would be appreciated


Charlie Hackett. MD, MPH


Medical Director EOHS, Chief Of Community and Family Medicine RIH

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