

While we all await the FDA’s EUAs for the COVID-19 vaccines, wondering if any of this list’s members have established policies/procedures with regard to administration/roll-out to their staff and providers, that you are willing to share. There is so little information, particularly with regard to side effects, etc., making it difficult to plan. We are currently planning to survey our high priority staff/providers as we really don’t even have a sense of who may be interested and who may decline. What are those of you that may be further ahead in this process experiencing?


Thanks much for all your expert guidance. I don’t think I would have survived the past 21 years without it!



Emma S. Smith, RN, COHN

Employee Health Manager

Mount Nittany Health

1800 East Park Avenue

State College, PA 16803


Phone: (814) 234-6731

Fax: (814) 234-6179

Pager: 1202


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