Hi Dr. Fanucchi,

Thank you for the form! 

A question: what would be your recommendations for vaccinations of employees who answer "yes" to the screening questions? 

Which ones of these questions would be "hard stops" against receiving the vaccine (for example, allergies)? 

Are you all vaccinating special groups at this time: pregnant employees, employees of immunocompromised employees, etc? 


Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: Dr Joe Fanucchi <drjoe@meditrax.com>
Date: 12/12/20 3:39 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: "Swift, Melanie D., M.D., M.P.H. via MCOH-EH" <mcoh-eh@mylist.net>
Subject: Re: [MCOH-EH] Informed Consent

On 12/12/2020 7:12 AM, Swift, Melanie D., M.D., M.P.H. via MCOH-EH wrote:
Same here. Usual process for vaccination with no special consent form required.

Good afternoon Melanie,

Just FYI ... several of our MediTrax customers requested that we make a questionnaire/consent form available. This is what we provide (and each facility has the option to modify the questions).

Joe Fanucchi

Joe Fanucchi MD FACOEM
President and Medical Director
MediTrax / OHS, Inc.

MediTrax: Everything you need, at a fraction of the cost!