Hi Charlie,

We developed our COVID-19 plan internally. 

The plan was then tweaked for our hospitals throughout the system to make it "site specific".

The designated plan coordinator varies from our Infection Prevention Director/Nurse at some of our largest hospitals and Employee Health nurse at our smaller hospitals.

We used the OSHA ETS language as a template and, as you have stated, referenced related existing policies and procedures where applicable.


Abhijay P. Karandikar, MD, MPH, FACOEM
Section Chief, Occupational Medicine & Employee Health
Reading, PA

On Thursday, July 1, 2021, 11:14:01 AM EDT, Charles Hackett <dickenshackett@gmail.com> wrote:

Our organization is working to put together the covid 19 Healthcare ETS.
We have a team that includes facilities, eohs, hr and infection control
Is anyone else working on this and what are you planning as a final product?
We are taking existing policy and procedures from various areas and incorporating it into the plan
Who is your designated safety coordinator?
Any wisdom or thoughts that could be shared would be appreciated.
Charlie Hackett MD, MPH
Lifespan, Providence RI
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