How have other organizations managed large scale Covid testing?
Rhode Island has just mandated the Covid vaccine for all HCWs
Part of the requirement is twice weekly testing for all unvaccinated employees.
We have 5000 unvaccinated employees. Hopefully a large number of those will become vaccinated.
But there could be a large volume of asymptomatic testing needed.
Historically our EOHS managed symptomatic testing and  testing mandated by the DOH if there were clusters of infections.
Other organizations seem to have separated out symptomatic testing and the subsequent management of time off work and large scale testing. The symptomatic being EOHS responsibility.
We did not have the capacity to do any large scale testing.
For those that are doing it, do you outsource?
Who manages thousands of tests per week?
Are you doing self administered nasal PCR testing?
Antigen testing?
Charlie Hackett MD, MPH