Typically,if a staff member cannot RTW on day 11 - we require a PCP clearance as they are too sick to RTW and need a medical evaluation.

With HumanKindness,


Mary Gene Ryan, MPH, RN, COHN-S, CSP, FAAOHN

Manager, Employee Health


Dignity Health

St. John's Regional Medical Center

St. John's Hospital Camarillo

1600 North Rose Avenue

Oxnard, CA 93030

805.988.2633 (O)

805.718.3367 (EH-M)

805.981.4431 (F)

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On Thu, Jul 28, 2022 at 9:43 AM Angeli Mancuso <a1mancus@sbch.org> wrote:

Hi All:


Bit of clarification to this question: do you require clearance from EHS before RTW after 10 days or do you allow employees to return with their own self-assessment? We want to decrease the volume of phone calls by putting out a decision tree and empowering employees to return without actually speaking with an EHS nurse.


Does anyone know if an actual clearance is required by OSHA, public health, etc? Or have we just gotten in our own way?


Angeli Mancuso, RN | Cottage Health

Manager, Workforce Development

Employee Experience|805-319-0359, Ext. 48928


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