Dr. Arahman-


In our facility, we use Agility/NetHealth and Epic. Agility is essentially our medical facility EH database. We have documented some clinical notes in there but only in the most simple form. We don’t do actual clinic encounter documentation in Agility – we didn’t even purchase that module.


My assessment of Agility – it has great potential, but it is driven by IT rather than EH people so it’s interface is quite cumbersome. I like to compare it to MS-DOS, the progenitor of Windows. Very command driven, and if you don’t know the command that you need, you’re screwed! But it does allow us to document EH information in a manner that is protected from management.


We use Epic for clinical documentation. So our external WC, external surveillance, etc, is documented and billed through Epic. This is a bit of a throw-back. From an Epic standpoint we are a satellite of Nebraska Med so we have no say in how the program is modified (other than local user templates). This is severely limiting – Nebraska Med doesn’t have an Occ Med practice so they don’t care what our needs might be. Epic has some major downsides that may be addressed in a future Occ Med module. For example, employer is not a linkable demographic that allows tracking across the system. This prevents you from pulling one employer’s data, i.e. all WC visits for employer X. But purely for clinical documentation, it works okay.


We document our health system WC visits in Epic as well. We placed Occ Med behind a “break the glass” barrier, i.e. a password firewall, similar to Mental Health. This doesn’t prevent access from those that don’t need to know, but it does provide an audit trail. By putting my WC notes into Epic, the specialists in our system to which I refer can access the clinical information for ongoing care.


For EH visits other than WC, we schedule them on what I call the “back side” of Epic. This is essentially the view that the front desk staff use for inputting appointments, but instead we input as time blocks with the employee’s name. This is not traceable to the employee’s medical record since it is not a record entry so it allows us to schedule without violating employee health information protection rules.


Long answer, sorry. It’s easy for us because we have been doing it for so long (3+ years), but it is a somewhat complex meshing of two systems, neither of which does everything great.




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From: MCOH-EH <mcoh-eh-bounces+dcockrum=frhs.org@mylist.net> On Behalf Of Enass Awad
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2022 6:18 PM
To: MCOH-EH <mcoh-eh@mylist.net>
Subject: Re: [MCOH-EH] EHR satisfaction query


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I am very interested in this discussion as I am new to our clinic and we just got approved to start transitioning to EPIC .


Currently the clinic uses Agility for both EHS and WC and it’s not the most efficient system .


I also am wondering if anyone is using both Agility for EHS and Epic for WC , can share their experience.


Thanks , 


Enass Arahman, MD,MPH,FACOEM 

Medical Director , Employee Health Services 

UC Davis Health

Sacramento , CA


On Thu, Sep 22, 2022 at 20:34 wendy thanassi <wendy.thanassi@gmail.com> wrote:



I'm in a quandary having spent WAYYY too many years of my life suffocated by paper medical records and handicapped by the lack of adequate report methods.... 


Would you please tell me what OHS EHR programs you're using AND IF YOU LIKE OR DON"T LIKE ... AND... IF YOU BUILT SOMETHING IN EPIC, how many years did it take and does it work yet?


I am most interested in:

Cority/Axion Ready-Set

Enterprise Health

or homegrown EPIC


We just heard that 

  • Brown is going to Enterprise 
  • Stanford U uses Enterprise
  • UCLA is 3 years into a bifurcated (WC / EHS) Epic build, in progress
  • St. Luke's uses UL's OHM program (not happy)


Feel free to reply to me directly if you don't think the answers are useful to others.



Wendy Thanassi

Stanford (yep, new job!)


On Thu, Sep 22, 2022 at 7:54 PM Wendland, Douglas <Douglas.Wendland@slhduluth.com> wrote:

Good morning Charlie.

We converted to EHR  more than 15 years ago and are on our 3rd brand.  None were compatible with occupational medicine outside of injury care.  We scanned all OSHA Standard records into the EHR and continue to do this as our system is not compatible with non-E&M services.  Injury care visits from before implementation were scanned and now are part of the EHR. We also use OHM in parallel with our general EHR for internal employee health and for a few outside companies for things like hearing conservation and respiratory protection.


As it stands, all  occupational medicine records are available with varying degrees of difficulty.


Good luck,



Douglas M Wendland, MD, MPH

St. Luke's Occupational Medicine


From: MCOH-EH <mcoh-eh-bounces@mylist.net> On Behalf Of Charles Hackett
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2022 6:26 AM
To: MCOH/EH <mcoh-eh@mylist.net>
Subject: [MCOH-EH] OSHA Record


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We are converting our employee health records to an EMR from paper.

We are having discussions about what portion of our paper record must be retained because of OSHA.

Does anyone have guidance or a reference about what must be kept and what could be tossed?

We have a plan for inputting vaccination records etc and will be keeping records pertaining to OSHA record keeping

Some of the paper charts are enormous.

Thank you in advance.

Charlie Hackett


Charles D Hackett, MD, MPH

Medical Director, Employee and Occupational Health, Lifespan

Chief Community and Family Medicine, Rhode Island Hospital

Clinical Assistant Professor of Family Medicine, Brown University

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The MCOH-EH List has always been moderated by members of the ACOEM Medical Center Occupational Health Section. It is currently moderated by Joe Fanucchi MD FACOEM.
List membership is free, but only subscribers may post to the list.
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MediTrax / Occupational Health Systems, Inc. provides financial support to ensure the list remains a free resource for the occupational health community.
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Enass Awad A/Rahman,MD,MPH
Department of Occupational Medicine
Mercy Medical Group
3000 Q Street
Tel: 916-733-3390

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