Good morning,

I come from a 13,000 employee system.
Our system is the result of a merger and half of our Occupational Health department uses Agility and the other half uses ReadySet, therefore, I have had significant experience with both. 
Below is a pro and con list for both systems.  Neither system is great, which is why we have recently entered into an agreement with Enterprise Health. Enterprise Health will become our system EHR for all Occupational Health functions.

-UI is not intuitive and the majority of actions take a lot of clicking. It's incredibly frustrating to use. 
-The UI feels a product that came out in the 1990s. It doesn't seem like NetHealth has put a lot of effort into updating Agility.
-When running reports you literally can't do anything else in the system.  If a report takes several hours you would need a second account to be able to go in and document. 
-There are limitations to what you can include in reports.
-The account reps are very slow to respond to emails. That being said I have had a very positive experience with their IT support team.
-In order to create customized forms you need to purchase a separate subscription to adobe. 
-I have very few pros, however, in comparison to ReadySet, Agility gives you an option to document phone encounters and it's easier to schedule appointments

-Great UI. User friendly and easy to train new staff 
-Reports can be run in the background while doing other work, however, lately reports can take hours to run. This could be problematic during a regulatory visit. 
-Lack of ability to customize surveys and forms is a huge con. Cority doesn't even offer to work with you on this. If you make a request you get a simple "no."
-Case management is challenging. You need to open a clunky progress note or continually edit an existing note in order to track updates. We ended up designing our own tracking system using Microsoft.

Happy to answer any specific questions about either system. 

Erin McLaughlin, MD MPH
Medical Director
Occupational Health 
Nuvance Health 

On Thu, Sep 22, 2022, 11:33 PM wendy thanassi <> wrote:

I'm in a quandary having spent WAYYY too many years of my life suffocated by paper medical records and handicapped by the lack of adequate report methods.... 

Would you please tell me what OHS EHR programs you're using AND IF YOU LIKE OR DON"T LIKE ... AND... IF YOU BUILT SOMETHING IN EPIC, how many years did it take and does it work yet?

I am most interested in:
Cority/Axion Ready-Set
Enterprise Health
or homegrown EPIC

We just heard that 
  • Brown is going to Enterprise 
  • Stanford U uses Enterprise
  • UCLA is 3 years into a bifurcated (WC / EHS) Epic build, in progress
  • St. Luke's uses UL's OHM program (not happy)

Feel free to reply to me directly if you don't think the answers are useful to others.

Wendy Thanassi
Stanford (yep, new job!)

On Thu, Sep 22, 2022 at 7:54 PM Wendland, Douglas <> wrote:

Good morning Charlie.

We converted to EHR  more than 15 years ago and are on our 3rd brand.  None were compatible with occupational medicine outside of injury care.  We scanned all OSHA Standard records into the EHR and continue to do this as our system is not compatible with non-E&M services.  Injury care visits from before implementation were scanned and now are part of the EHR. We also use OHM in parallel with our general EHR for internal employee health and for a few outside companies for things like hearing conservation and respiratory protection.


As it stands, all  occupational medicine records are available with varying degrees of difficulty.


Good luck,



Douglas M Wendland, MD, MPH

St. Luke's Occupational Medicine


From: MCOH-EH <> On Behalf Of Charles Hackett
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2022 6:26 AM
To: MCOH/EH <>
Subject: [MCOH-EH] OSHA Record


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We are converting our employee health records to an EMR from paper.

We are having discussions about what portion of our paper record must be retained because of OSHA.

Does anyone have guidance or a reference about what must be kept and what could be tossed?

We have a plan for inputting vaccination records etc and will be keeping records pertaining to OSHA record keeping

Some of the paper charts are enormous.

Thank you in advance.

Charlie Hackett


Charles D Hackett, MD, MPH

Medical Director, Employee and Occupational Health, Lifespan

Chief Community and Family Medicine, Rhode Island Hospital

Clinical Assistant Professor of Family Medicine, Brown University

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The MCOH-EH List has always been moderated by members of the ACOEM Medical Center Occupational Health Section. It is currently moderated by Joe Fanucchi MD FACOEM.
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