On Thursday, April 6, 2023 at 07:03:32 AM CDT, Hodgson, Michael - OSHA via MCOH-EH <mcoh-eh@mylist.net> wrote:
Hi, all
Cc’ed here is Bill Martin, and occupational medicine resident from Duke rotating through OSHA. He recently presented a follow-up survey that he completed with Dr. Stave on the current state of affairs in animal research facilities. They
completed a follow-up survey to what Dr. States had done some years ago. The presentation led to a lengthy discussion on what we know about engineering design and operations and maintenance in animal labs. And then there's the whole work practices and PPE
issue. Without thinking about those, our discussion went here, "sampling" isn't so useful. People will generally remember that predictors of sensitization, i.e., peak exposures, co-exposures to endotoxin, and the presence of irritants such as ammonia likely
all influence "acceptability" of antigen levels.
He and I discussed whether it was possible for this group, or this group overlapping with Phil Harber’s academic safety and health text, to develop some set of categories that everyone could start classifying and using.