Our system has dropped COVID vaccine mandating. No requirement for now.

Flu vaccine - still mandating all employees to have, exempting for religious or medical reasons.  Those without flu vaccine require mask when face to face with patients .

Ping Gao, MD, MPH, FACOEM 
Medical Director
AnMed Occupational & Employee Health

Please excuse typo 

On Oct 16, 2023, at 1:10 PM, Charles Hackett <dickenshackett@gmail.com> wrote:

Our system is reevaluating their approach to covid vaccination mandate. 
The RIDOH is being vague about mandating being up to date and leaving it to each institution to determine want it wants to do. 
Do you still mandate the covid vaccine to work within your institution?
Do you mandate the influenza vaccine?
If yes does it apply to all employees including remote employees?
Do you require ppe if not vaccinated or just patient facing?
Do you require ppe for all employees during peak respiratory illness season?
As always
Thank you
Charles D Hackett, MD, MPH
Medical Director, Employee and Occupational Health, Lifespan
Chief Community and Family Medicine, Rhode Island Hospital
Clinical Assistant Professor of Family Medicine, Brown University

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