Best Wishes, Stay Safe, and May you Prosper,


Julie A. Eisenhauer BSN, RN

Employee Health Nurse

Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation

Human Resources/Employee Health

PO Box 600

Tuba City, AZ. 86045

Direct Ph#: (928)283-1511

Or, Mitel 45111


From: MCOH-EH <> On Behalf Of Rebecca Ryan via MCOH-EH
Sent: Friday, December 27, 2024 11:06 AM
To: David S. Cockrum via MCOH-EH <>
Cc: Rebecca Ryan <>
Subject: [MCOH-EH] covid vaccine


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Good Morning

I am looking at new hires for 2025 and if covid vaccine documentation is still a requirement? What are other Employee Health nurses doing for the oncoming year?

Thank you,


Rebecca Ryan BSN RN CIC

Infection Preventionist & EH RN

Curry Health Network

94220 4th Street

Gold Beach, OR 97444


Teamwork. Service.  Integrity. Curiosity.


“In the realm of healthcare, the well-being of the patient should eclipse all other concerns, for their care is the true measure of our success."




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