[CASL-L] NEASC Visit & Professional Day

Yulo-medeiros, Julie jyulo at cromwell.k12.ct.us
Tue May 15 08:42:29 PDT 2012

Cromwell High School is gearing up for a fall 2012 NEASC visit and we are looking into providing a professional day to the teachers on the first day of the visit (a Sunday). We are not sure how to go about this but know it has been done in other districts. If you have answers to any of the questions listed below or could forward them to someone with the answers it will be greatly appreciated.

*         How many hours were provided for the professional day?

*         Were CEU's provided?

*         Was attendance taken or some other method of accountability?

*         How did you handle teachers who could not attend? Did they take a personal day?

*         Was providing a professional day an easy or difficult process?

*         How did the superintendent and BOE respond to the request?

*         Any other thoughts or comments?


Julie Yulo-Medeiros
School Librarian
Cromwell High School
Donald Harris Drive
Cromwell, CT 06416
860.632.4841 Ext: 14830
jyulo at cromwell.k12.ct.us<mailto:jyulo at cromwell.k12.ct.us>

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