[CASL-L] Final call for Jordan Sonnenblick visit

David Bilmes bilmesd at newmilfordps.org
Tue Feb 12 10:13:14 PST 2013

My middle school in New Milford, and two schools in the Southeast corner
of the state -- Wheeler in North Stonington and Preston Plains Middle
School, have tentatively agreed to bring Jordan Sonnenblick in for an
author visit in September. We don't have the dates set yet, but it will
be in the second half of the month. 
Jordan would love to see if he could line up another author visit
somewhere in between the northwest corner of the state and the southeast
corner so he doesn't have to do so much traveling between visiting our
two areas of the state.
His fee is $2300 for up to three presentations, plus expenses. He's
driving up from Bethlehem, PA, so he'll be getting mileage and hotel
rooms paid for, which will be split among the participating schools. He
is willing to have two schools share an author visit day with him, but
he doesn't want to have to travel more than a few minutes from one
school to the next, or would prefer to spend the entire day at one
location. For example, Wheeler and Preston Plains are sharing him for
one day, splitting up the costs 2/3s and 1/3.
We know a lot of schools are still snowbound, or on February vacation.
But if you're interested in getting in on his CT visit, please contact
either myself or Maureen Rust at Wheeler by the end of this month. Her
email is rustm at northstonington.k12.ct.us.
David Bilmes
Library Media Specialist
Schaghticoke Middle School
23 Hipp Road
New Milford, CT 06776
(860) 354-2204, ext. 113 or 115
bilmesd at newmilfordps.org

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