[CASL-L] Student ceiling due date

Debbie chin chind at newmilfordps.org
Mon Jun 10 06:12:09 PDT 2013

This has always been an issue for us as well.  We always close the
library to circulations two weeks before the end of the year for
students. (Teachers can keep things out longer, especially if they are
doing end of year projects with their classes but most of them try to
get everything in.)  We used to tell students that they could not
participate in Field Day if all their books weren't in or paid for and
we had 100% compliance the years we were allowed to do that. Then we
were told we couldn't do that anymore so we withheld report cards but
now are no longer allowed to do that either.  I do give out Golden Shelf
Elf award certificates to the classes that get all their books in by the
ceiling date and we do pretty well with that.  I also announce the
classes over the intercom at the end of each day and we send overdue
notices and have teachers try to assist us in retrieving the books.   In
the end, we always have a some students who never return or pay for
books by the end of the year which is disappointing but our hands are
tied. At any rate, there is no way we can extend the ceiling date any
closer to the end of the year.  I do continue to have classes until 1
week before school ends but then  we do have to concentrate on inventory
and organizing the library before the last day so we close down
completely the last week of school.

>>> Elaine Lettiere <lettieree at prestonschools.org> 6/10/2013 8:49 AM
UGH!! The worst time of the year for me is trying to collect
outstanding books!

I too have all books due 2 weeks before school ends and then I spend
ALL of the next few weeks gathering the books. I have two libraries
which logistically makes the collection challenging. I am constantly
running back and forth checking who still has books out so I am not
calling and emailing families who have already returned.

Our policy is to hold report cards until a family makes contact with
the principal to plead their case. I am not always aware of who is on
free and reduced lunch or who is in a special circumstance but the
principal does. He then determines the "payment" options~whether to
waive it, partial payments and we have even had struggling families
"work" off their lost books with school jobs. 

In any case, I would not want to do any circulation closer to the end
of the year. Book round-up is already a BIG job in the time we already
have put aside.

Good luck my colleagues!


On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 8:38 AM, Carrie Seiden
<cseiden at northbranfordschools.org> wrote:

Good Morning,

We stop circulating two weeks before school ends. Like Lisa, we gladly
make exceptions when teachers ask for more time. Once the ceiling date
passed, the books are transferred to the teachers' accounts and I make
that known. I will print out a circulation "receipt" to help the
manage the books on their end. Typically we get most of the books back.
feel it is worth the risk to meet the needs of students and staff.

Carrie G. Seiden, School Librarian
Totoket Valley Elementary School
1388 Middletown Avenue
Northford, CT 06472
phone 203 484-1455 ( tel:203%20484-1455 )
fax 203 484-6090 ( tel:203%20484-6090 )

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is not to make people read more, but to make them want to read more."
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Elaine Lettiere
School Librarian
Preston Veterans Memorial School
Preston Plains Middle School
Preston, CT
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