[CASL-L] Long overdue: responses to streaming video subscription?

Michelle Luhtala mluhtala at me.com
Tue Apr 19 10:58:57 PDT 2016


I complied your responses to the following questions in a slide show for my
district administrators ages ago, but I neglected to post them here. I hope
to incorporate them into an edWeb.net webinar <https://t.co/w8UcdDIgUr> on
eCollection development tomorrow afternoon at 5PM, Eastern time. Here is
the part of the slideshow
includes your responses. Because licensing compliance is murky, and some
practices may be interpreted as non-compliant, I left off educator and
district names. Please let me know if you would prefer that I remove your
response from the presentation altogether. Thanks!

*This may be a dumb series of questions, but I haven't looked into this for*
*a while.*

*What (if anything) do you offer as a copyright-friendly video streaming*
*service for commercial feature films (i.e. Gangs of New York, Last of the*
*Mohicans, Glory, etc.) ?*

*How many of you block access to online streaming services such as*
*Netflix, HBOGO,*
*Hulu, and ShowtimeAny on campus?*

*Is hard copy DVD still the only legitimate solution?*

*What kinds of conversations are emerging around this in your districts?*

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