[CASL-L] Chromebooks

Amy Reilly areilly at derbyps.org
Tue Nov 15 08:08:16 PST 2016

My school is also attempting a 1:1 policy.  We are in year three of a three year program with Lenovo laptops.  I'm not sure what is in store for us next year, as it is up to our IT department.  Here are some of my thoughts on our program this year:

- As of now, there is no consequence for forgotten or uncharged devices.  Students are welcome to come to the LMC to use a desktop, provided there is room.  I continually suggest to teachers that those students receive a zero on the assignment for the day if they are continually "forgetting".
- We used a laptop rental system last year where students could borrow a laptop for a period if they forgot one or never got one.  I discontinued that practice this year after noticing that it was the same students over and over.

I am curious about your program though.  How are the Chromebooks distributed?  Do students have to pay for them?  What happens when they break, either from natural wear and tear or student-caused?

Amy Reilly

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