[CASL-L] Weeding non-fiction books

Kristen Shanley kshanley at cheshire.k12.ct.us
Thu Jan 5 18:19:44 PST 2017

Good evening-

Just looking to to some substantial weeding in the non-fiction section of
the library due to the fact that so many of these books rarely go out and
we'd like to reconfigure our space to turn it into a meeting
space/collaboration area for multiple classes, etc. Also would love to be
able to increase the room we have for our Makerspace.  The question I have
is if there is a requirement as to the number of non-fiction books that
remain in a library.  I vaguely remember something about it, but clearly
don't remember the details.  Any help or insight would be greatly

*Kristen Shanley *
Dodd Library Media Specialist

*What I'm Reading Now: *
*When Friendship Followed Me Home* by Paul Griffin
*Game Seven* by Paul Volpani
*Small Great Things* by Jodi Picoult
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