[CASL-L] Teachers College

Casi Caggiano casicaggiano at gmail.com
Tue Jan 24 17:47:14 PST 2017

I can’t attend, but I thought I would share this.  This sounds great for schools that are 1:1 and use a Reading/Writing workshop model.

http://readingandwritingproject.org/services/institutes/digital-and-media-literacy-institute <http://readingandwritingproject.org/services/institutes/digital-and-media-literacy-institute>

Digital and Media Literacy Institute
Thursday, April 20 - Saturday, April 22, 2017

Apply Now <http://readingandwritingproject.org/member/events/rules-and-regulations?eventID=1061>
Click here to view flyer <https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B404rJALRaGwcFNuNVFjcDlQVFk/view?usp=sharing>
The Teachers College Reading and Writing Project is thrilled to offer this institute for a third year. For the first time, it will offer advanced as well as first year sections. We have also extended this year’s institute to include K-1 teachers as we believe that this work is important for our youngest learners.

The entire institute focuses on the integration of digital and media literacy with tried and true reading/writing workshop methods. You’ll be introduced to our latest and most successful methods for tapping the power of digital tools and media within the workshop classroom in order to foster digitally literate students.

Instructors will show you how new media can help young people learn about the role of the audience, the importance of text-based ideas, and other essential concepts. You will also learn how to use multimodal texts to increase comprehension and how to engage kids in digital and media production. Not only will you study ways to promote students as self-navigators and digital citizens, but you will foster your own digital literacy skills.

Students will be dazzled by encourtering writing and reading in new mediums. The challenge is to maintain high standards while propelling them to explore the whole while world of digital and media literacy. You will leave with armloads of strategies, resources and ideas for bringing 21st century learning back to your school. We are excited to build on the energy and excitement from past institutes.


Teachers and instructional leaders who work with students in grades K-8
Must have access to digital tools in their building sites.
Will bring and have a basic knowledge of digital devices such as laptops or tablets.
Time will be set aside each day for institute participants to take part in participant-run think tanks and Ignite sessions so as to ensure as many voices as possible can contribute to everyone’s shared understandings. Preference will be given to educators willing to either present or actively participate in these events.

$650/$600 NYC DOE


This institute will take place at the Teachers College campus. 
Teachers College, Columbia University
525 W 120th Street
New York, NY
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