[CASL-L] Fw: KQ Express – September 5, 2017

IRENE KWIDZINSKI kwidz at sbcglobal.net
Tue Sep 5 10:32:05 PDT 2017


     On Tuesday, September 5, 2017 12:34 PM, American Association of School Librarians <aasl at ala.org> wrote:

  KQ Express – September 5, 2017#yiv5679003906 p{margin:10px 0;padding:0;}#yiv5679003906 table{border-collapse:collapse;}#yiv5679003906 h1, #yiv5679003906 h2, #yiv5679003906 h3, #yiv5679003906 h4, #yiv5679003906 h5, #yiv5679003906 h6{display:block;margin:0;padding:0;}#yiv5679003906 img, #yiv5679003906 a img{border:0;min-height:auto;outline:none;text-decoration:none;}#yiv5679003906 body, #yiv5679003906 #yiv5679003906bodyTable, #yiv5679003906 #yiv5679003906bodyCell{min-height:100%;margin:0;padding:0;width:100%;}#yiv5679003906 .yiv5679003906mcnPreviewText{display:none;}#yiv5679003906 #yiv5679003906outlook a{padding:0;}#yiv5679003906 img{}#yiv5679003906 table{}#yiv5679003906 .yiv5679003906ReadMsgBody{width:100%;}#yiv5679003906 .yiv5679003906ExternalClass{width:100%;}#yiv5679003906 p, #yiv5679003906 a, #yiv5679003906 li, #yiv5679003906 td, #yiv5679003906 blockquote{}#yiv5679003906 a .filtered99999 , #yiv5679003906 a .filtered99999 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|  AASL empowers leaders to transform teaching and learning.  |

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September 5, 2017


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|  AASL VIP Program Offers Bonuses for Members
AASL appreciates your continued commitment to the only national association for school librarians and for being a leader and advocate in your profession. As a new, renewing, or reinstating AASL member you are eligible for complimentary member bonuses under the new AASL VIP program. Benefits include:   
   - 10,000 Capstone Rewards Points when you renew or join AASL
   - Discounted price for mysimpleshow.com
   - 30 days of free Piktochart PRO
To review full details of the AASL VIP program, log on to the AASL website.  |


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|  AASL Commends Six Programs Aligned with Its Values and Mission
Moving on recommendations made by its Affiliate Assembly, AASL formally commended six programs due to the programs’ support of the school librarian profession. To be considered, programs must align with AASL’s learning standards and program guidelines as well as the principles expressed in the AASL mission and value statements. The commended programs are:   
   - Book'em (nominated by Tennessee Association of School Librarians)
   - Columbia Fireflies Reading Program (nominated by South Carolina Association of School Librarians)
   - Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library (nominated by Tennessee Association of School Librarians)
   - Greater Rochester Teen Book Festival (nominated by New York State Library Association-Section of School Librarians)
   - #txlchat (nominated by Texas Association of School Librarians)
   - Unlock Student Potential (nominated by New Jersey Association of School Librarians)



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|  ALA and Library Community Work to Support Hurricane Harvey Recovery Efforts
In the wake of historic flooding fueled by Hurricane Harvey, the American Library Association (ALA) and the library community continue their commitment to disaster relief efforts within the Gulf Coast Region. ALA Members are welcome to assist their colleagues in Texas with recovery efforts by participating in local fundraising efforts. They are urged to:   
   - Donate online to the TLA Disaster Relief Fund
   - Purchase TLA Coloring Book benefiting the Disaster Relief Fund
   - Apply for Disaster Relief Grant
   - Review Disaster Recovery Resources
The ALA offers a list of resources for dealing with natural disasters at Libraries Respond.  |



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Member Spotlight


|  Leslie Lomasson Updates School Library Space
Leslie Lomasson, librarian at Amherst-Pelham Regional High School in Amherst, MA, was able to update her school library space due to a generous donor. The school used the money to pay for new chairs, lounge furniture, armchairs, a long counter for students working on their laptops, cafe stools for that counter and see-through “loft” walls to divide off a quiet pleasure-reading section in the library. Lomasson plans on honoring the donation with a plaque.  |

|  Submit a Member Spotlight
Have you been recognized for your work as a school librarian, received an award, published a book or article, or received another industry accomplishment? Submit a Member Spotlight today!



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Education News


|  How Some Schools Approach Personalized Learning
Up to 10% of public schools have adopted some form of personalized learning, according to the International Association for K-12 Online Learning. While some schools report positive outcomes, some experts suggest a "cautious approach."

Some Principals Lack Understanding on ESSA
Some principals lack understanding on the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). However, the law was designed to be much more bottom-up than previous laws, and principals should reach out to their superintendents with plans they’d like to see implemented in their school to help improve outcomes for all learners.
Advocacy Takeaway: Stay informed and help your school be informed on the progress of your state’s ESSA plan. AASL is tracking progress for state plans and as you keep everyone informed be sure to note those opportunities for school libraries.

Positive Early Home Environment Predicts Later Academic Success
A new study finds that children's home environment in infancy and toddlerhood can predict their academic skills by 5th grade. Researchers found that children whose parents engaged them in meaningful conversations and provided them with books and toys designed to increase learning were much more likely to develop early cognitive skills that led to later academic success.

How Students’ Age Affects Achievement
The age when students start school could affect their academic performance through college, according to a study released by the National Bureau of Economic Affairs. Researchers found that older students had about a 40-point edge on the SAT and were more likely to enroll in college.

College Board to Expand Digital SAT
More students will have access to digital versions of the PSAT and SAT during the 2017-18 school year, according to the College Board. Last fall and spring, more than 5,000 students took the online SAT and another 5,000 took the online PSAT, officials said, noting that they expect a "slight increase" this school year.
Advocacy Takeaway: Helping students acquire the necessary skills for online reading and test taking success is an important role for school librarians. AASL’s School Librarian’s Role in Reading Toolkit Annotated Bibliography offers specific resources for online reading skill development to share with your students and faculty.

Study Links Voice Pitch and Word Meaning
Pitch may play a role in understanding word meaning, according to a study published in the journal Science. Researchers identified brain cells that track intonation, a finding neurobiologist Nina Kraus says shows the importance the human brain assigns to hearing.

Scientists Discover Intelligence Genes
A team of scientists has identified 22 different genes associated with intelligence. Knowledge gained from molecular genetic research may one day be used to identify children at risk for developing serious intellectual deficits, and for whom certain types of interventions early in life may reduce that risk. 

Report Considers How to Protect Student Data
Education-technology companies should take better care to safeguard students' data, according to a report from researchers at the University of Colorado's National Education Policy Center. Researchers assert in the report that there should be greater transparency and accountability for the companies' algorithms.

Can Minecraft Improve Students’ SEL?
Playing Minecraft may help boost students' social and emotional skills, according to a report from Getting Smart, which partnered with Microsoft for the survey. Data show 86.6% of respondents said playing Minecraft had a positive effect on students' communication skills.
Advocacy Takeaway: AASL offers tons of professional development to add or increase gaming into your school library program through AASL’s eCOLLAB. View a recorded webinar on Minecraft and Immersive Learning Environments, or view the Educational Gaming issue of Knowledge Quest.  |


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Most Talked-About KQ Blog Posts


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|  "The 12 Most Important Things to Do...in the First Week of Your New Job" by Carrie Marting and Julie Marie Frye

"Beginner Tips for Coding with Students" by Daniella Smith

"What You Really Need to Create a Makerspace" by Diana Rendina

"Bridging the Divide between School Librarians and School Administrators" by Scott Beck



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Resources for School Librarians


|  3 Approaches to Tech Adoption
The new school year brings fresh opportunities for students and teachers, and often, new classroom technology, asserts academic technology manager Kristen Paino. In this blog post, Paino and two other educators share their approaches to integrating new education technology.



|  What’s New in Student Interventions?
Technology and more information about the neuroscience of learning are helping to reshape student interventions. Educators in this article share four new student intervention strategies, such as using pre-interventions and rethinking behavior.



|  How to Use Coding to Engage Students in Making
Educators Laura Fleming and Billy Krakower in this blog post share lessons they learned using computer-coding kits with their students. Lessons include ignoring the directions and letting students' voices be heard through "participatory making."  |



|  How AI and VR Could Shape Learning
Artificial intelligence and virtual reality one day will be as accessible as smartphones and desktop computers, predicts Sebastien Turbot, curator and director of global programs at the Qatar Foundation's World Innovation Summit for Education. In this commentary, he discusses the future of immersive learning.  |


|  How Can Tech Leaders Model In-Demand Skills?
School-technology leaders may be in a good position to model in-demand skills, such as innovation, creativity, collaboration and communication. Leo Brehm, a learning evolution officer, shares how his team modeled a "startup mindset" during a three-year technology rollout.






|  3 Projects for Real-World Learning
Learning may be most effective when there are real-world applications, asserts Suzie Boss, a project-based learning advocate. In this blog post, she shares three projects to try with students during the school year.



|  Students Should Own School Spaces
Students should "occupy" their schools -- meaning they view it as a safe place that supports them -- asserts educator Julie Kasper. In this commentary, she suggests educators take time as a new school year begins to help students take "ownership of their own school spaces."






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Grants & Awards


|  IMLS National Medal for Museum and Library Service
The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) is now accepting nominations for the National Medal for Museum and Library Service. The award recognizes outstanding libraries and museums that have made significant contributions to improve the well being of their communities. Anyone--an employee, a board member, a member of the public, or an elected official--can nominate an institution. To be considered, the institution must complete and return a nomination form by October 2, 2017.

2017 Congressional App Challenge
The 2017 Congressional App Challenge is a public effort to encourage kids to learn how to code through annual district-wide competitions hosted by members of Congress for their district. Students in participating districts code original applications for the chance to be selected for recognition by their member of Congress, win prizes, and have their work put on display in the Capitol Building in Washington, DC. The challenge is open through November 1.

Autism Welcome Here Grants
The “Autism Welcome Here: Library Programs, Services and More” grant honors the work of Libraries and Autism: We’re Connected cofounder Meg Kolaya for her contributions in promoting inclusion. Each year, a total of $5,000 is awarded. All types of libraries in the US or Canada are encouraged to apply. Proposals can fund projects and services directed to any age group. Applications will be accepted through December 1.


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|  Copyright © 2017 American Association of School Librarians, All rights reserved.

AASL, 50 E Huron St., Chicago IL 60611 






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