[CASL-L] Summer Reading Ideas?

Elaine Shapiro elaine.shapiro7 at gmail.com
Mon May 9 10:01:31 PDT 2022

I am looking for some new ideas to promote summer reading.  Our district
has called it Summer Learning now for years, to include math.  We have been
sending home a bingo card, with 25 activities spanning literacy, math,
science, social studies, that align with the national summer reading
theme.  We also send home a calendar, and invite students to color in the
days that they read or do math for 20 min.  They color in bingo squares as
well and earn raffle tickets based on how many squares they color on both
documents.  There is a drawing at each grade level for Barnes and Noble
gift cards.  I talk it up in June, we send robo reminder calls in July.  We
post student names on a bulletin board if they bring the materials back in
Sept.  I have used a theme of Staying on top of the Reading Mountain
(rather than the summer slide imagery).  Only about a quarter of our preK-4
students participate, even after doing this for several years.

Does anyone have any new and effective ideas for increasing participation?
Elaine Shapiro, Broad Brook School (preK-4), East Windsor
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