[MCOH-EH] Ergonomic recommendation

Thrasher, Terri (Terri) Terri.Thrasher at cchmc.org
Tue May 1 04:44:21 PDT 2018

At Cincinnati Childrens we have someone that goes out and does ergo training.   But we use Human Scale products.

For sit stand... we take the position now (since everyone wants one) that the employee may purchase a model we have chosen and use it at their desk.   We are not providing any desks.

-----Original Message-----
From: MCOH-EH [mailto:mcoh-eh-bounces+terri.thrasher=cchmc.org at mylist.net] On Behalf Of Angeli Mancuso
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2018 7:27 PM
To: MCOH/EH <mcoh-eh at mylist.net>
Subject: [MCOH-EH] Ergonomic recommendation

2 questions for the group:

1) If you outsource your ergonomics training via software or remote-hosted vendor, who do you use and do you like them? I'm currently evaluating Cardinus HealthyWorking, BSI and HumanScale products but am looking to get more bids.

2) How do you evaluate the need for a stand-up work station? Does anyone have an assessment tool that looks at job requirements and the percentage of time sitting vs. walking, standing, etc? We currently have a rash of requests for stand-up options and I'm getting push-back from leadership that not all requests are justified based on job descriptions. Any resources would be appreciated. 

Angeli Mancuso, RN, COHN-S/CM
Manager, Employee Health & Safety | Cottage Health P.O Box 689 | 400 W. Pueblo St | Santa Barbara, CA 93102-0689
Office: (805) 569-7866 |  Fax: (805) 569-8271 a1mancus at sbch.org | cottagehealth.org www.lifewhereyouloveit.org

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