[MCOH-EH] Masks
Shea, Joann
jshea at tgh.org
Thu Jun 24 12:44:09 PDT 2021
We have provided C2021 stickers for the fully vaccinated on their hospital ID badges and have distributed at change of shift and to their managers. TMH verified vaccine status during the sticker distribution via our state registry. Our fully vaccinated team members can unmask in non-patient facing areas, in meetings, and in cubicles/offices if at least 80% of the team members are vaccinated Masks are still required in public areas, hallways, shuttles, patient care, cafeteria, etc.
We have vaccinated 70% of our team members at this time.
JoAnn Shea, APRN, MS, COHN-S
Director, Team Member Health and Wellness
Tampa General Hospital
Office: 813-844-7692
Cell: 813-789-3441
jshea at tgh.org
From: MCOH-EH <mcoh-eh-bounces+jshea=tgh.org at mylist.net> On Behalf Of Tara Dockery
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2021 3:59 PM
To: MCOH-EH <mcoh-eh at mylist.net>
Subject: Re: [MCOH-EH] Masks
WARNING: This email came from an external source outside of Tampa General Hospital.
Ours is as well
From: MCOH-EH [mailto:mcoh-eh-bounces at mylist.net]On Behalf Of Eisenhauer, Julie (TCRHCC) via MCOH-EH
Sent: Tuesday, June 8, 2021 8:45 AM
To: MCOH-EH <mcoh-eh at mylist.net<mailto:mcoh-eh at mylist.net>>
Cc: Eisenhauer, Julie (TCRHCC) <Julie.Eisenhauer at TCHEALTH.ORG<mailto:Julie.Eisenhauer at TCHEALTH.ORG>>
Subject: Re: [MCOH-EH] Masks
CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.
Our policy at this time is to continue wearing masks all the time while on campus.
Sincerely Your Employee Health Nurse.
Julie A. Eisenhauer BSN, RN, CCM
Employee Health Nurse
Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation
167 North Main Street, PO Box 600
Tuba City, AZ. 86045
Phone:(928)283-2432 ext. 41544
Fax: (928)283-2042
Email:Julie.eisenhauer at tchealth.org<mailto:Julie.eisenhauer at tchealth.org>
HR Email:TCRHCC at tcheatlh.org<mailto:TCRHCC at tcheatlh.org>
From: MCOH-EH <mcoh-eh-bounces at mylist.net<mailto:mcoh-eh-bounces at mylist.net> >On Behalf Of Charles Hackett
Sent: Monday, June 7, 2021 10:28 AM
To: MCOH-EH <mcoh-eh at mylist.net<mailto:mcoh-eh at mylist.net>>
Subject: Re: [MCOH-EH] Masks
Thank you
On Mon, Jun 7, 2021 at 12:05 PM Olson, Amelia <AmeliaOlson at centura.org<mailto:AmeliaOlson at centura.org>> wrote:
We are allowing fully vax EEs to work without a mask in a non-patient facing situation. We require all to be masked in common areas like lobbies and
Patient centered traffic areas in our facilities. We are relying on self-report. We are not asking vax status.
Amelia Olson, RN, MS, COHN-S
Director, Occupational Health
Centura Health
O: 303.673.7460
9100 E Mineral Circle | Centennial, CO 80112<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https*3A*2F*2Fus-west-2.protection.sophos.com*2F*3Fd*3Dgoogle.com*26u*3DaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS9tYXBzL3NlYXJjaC85MTAwK0UrTWluZXJhbCtDaXJjbGUrJTdDK0NlbnRlbm5pYWwsK0NPKzgwMTEyP2VudHJ5PWdtYWlsJnNvdXJjZT1n*26i*3DNWNjODZiOTgwOTY4YWYxNGE1MWViYjk2*26t*3DRHY3Z1c4Zk1WdUxlemFRMVpNK2ZFYlRVcng1QkwydnFOMHllWkxtNlJ5MD0*3D*26h*3D05bed8fe2aa14e5db85ca75a79bfbe61&data=04*7C01*7Cjulie.eisenhauer*40tchealth.org*7C039e5c88935b43b432a608d92a8d9e40*7C842b0edb2ac1492f85b7b48ec194bb8b*7C1*7C0*7C637587610018236277*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C1000&sdata=ixOChl01*2FxptpDbSlaqQRAGDyhjFQBb9r5NSY*2F2PRBU*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUl!!PQLRnUARXRzt!rfXDLyovQjWXDje3nkz2tRk822Isy3_QSi3CjtRd_n5n7yI0GdJ6vUyAV7c$>
[cid:image001.png at 01D7690F.97C90AC0]
I'm on a mission to ensure the health and safety of every associate.
From: MCOH-EH <mcoh-eh-bounces at mylist.net<mailto:mcoh-eh-bounces at mylist.net> >On Behalf Of Charles Hackett
Sent: Sunday, June 6, 2021 7:43 AM
To: MCOH/EH <mcoh-eh at mylist.net<mailto:mcoh-eh at mylist.net>>
Subject: [MCOH-EH] Masks
* External email - Please ensure the safety of links and attachments before opening *
What is your organization doing about masking for fully vaccinated employees?
Are you allowing non patient facing employees work without a mask if vaccinated?
If yes, how are you tracking those that are vaccinated vs non vaccinated?
Charlie Hackett MD, MPH
Lifespan, Providence RI
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