[MCOH-EH] Metrics for externally facing occ med clinics

Teichman, Ron F Ron.Teichman at bannerhealth.com
Wed Feb 8 12:10:17 PST 2023

Hello everyone,

We have started tracking non-traditional quality metrics for our occ med providers across our clinic system. I consider things like volumes, RVUs, patients per hour, etc., as traditional metrics. The metrics I am now looking at include:

  *   % of visits with a prescribed narcotic
  *   % of visits with a prescribed non-narcotic medication
  *   % of LBP visits with a prescribed narcotic
  *   % of initial visits taken out of work
  *   % of visits with restrictions seen again within 5 business days
  *   % of patients with an emergency room referral
  *   % of patients with a specialty referral (excluding imaging)
  *   % of patients with a physical therapy referral

Currently, we are tracking each provider versus the group averages, but would like to have external benchmarks. Is anyone else tracking these or similar metrics and would you be willing to share your benchmarks if you have them. You can email me directly and I can compile them and return the composite to the group. Conversely, if anyone knows where I can find benchmarks or relevant national data I would be greatly appreciative.

Stay safe, Stay healthy,
Ron Teichman, M.D., M.P.H., FACOEM, FACP
Division Medical Director
Banner Occupational Health and Wellness
1300 N. 12th Street, Suite 610
Phoenix, AZ 85006
Ron.teichman at bannerhealth.com<mailto:Ronald.teichman at bannerhealth.com>

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