[MCOH-EH] Visiting individuals and mandatory animal surveillance questionnaire

jerbiggs at yahoo.com jerbiggs at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 5 11:30:59 PDT 2019

They are just staring to work on developing an Occupational health and safety program at our University.  We have about 3000 employees that work with research animals. 

Just recently they put language in that says the baseline questionnaire that focuses on laboratory animal allergies mandatory. But with that it is now mandatory for everyone, including someone who is visiting even if only for 10 minutes in a lab. Is there a reference for a minimum time exposure before a questionnaire like this should be mandatory? 

By this I mean, if the individual will be exposed to the animal lab setting less the “X” days then the baseline questionnaire is encouraged, but not mandatory because they are not our employees, and the time they will be exposed has not been shown to be a significant risk for developing allergies to lab animals?

This is not applicable to other pathogens/chemicals they may be exposed to, just the risk of lab animal allergies. 

Thank you

Assistant Professor
University of Utah, Rocky Mountain Center for Occupational and Environmental Health
Medical Director, Public Safety
Medical Director, Work Wellness and RedMed
Medical Director, Occupational Health, Environmental Health and Safety
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