[MCOH-EH] [External] Flu Shots

shuchi.agarwal1 at gmail.com shuchi.agarwal1 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 5 05:31:51 PDT 2024

We do the same as Dr. Behrman mentioned. 


Shuchi Agarwal MD MPH
Assistant Attending Physician
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

> On Sep 4, 2024, at 11:28 PM, Behrman, Amy via MCOH-EH <mcoh-eh at mylist.net> wrote:
> We continue to mandate annual seasonal influenza vaccination for all HCP, except for those with approved medical or religious exemptions.  Amy
> Amy J Behrman, MD, FACP, FACOEM
> Division Chief, Occupational Medicine
> Professor, Perelman School of Medicine
> University of Pennsylvania 
> 3400 Spruce St
> Philadelphia, PA  19104
> From: MCOH-EH <mcoh-eh-bounces+behrman=pennmedicine.upenn.edu at mylist.net> on behalf of Charles Hackett <dickenshackett at gmail.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 4, 2024 6:54 AM
> To: MCOH/EH <mcoh-eh at mylist.net>
> Subject: [External] [MCOH-EH] Flu Shots
> Good morning.
> Our health system had historically allowed employees to opt out of receiving the flu shot and mask.
> In 2022 they decided that any new employee would need to be vaccinated against the flu unless there was a medical exemption.
> They allowed the employees that were hired prior to 2022 to continue to be able to opt out.
> Our head of HR would like to allow employees to opt out and not have it mandated.
> EOHS is pushing back with data and enthusiasm.
> What is your policy for the flu shot?
> Is it mandated for all employees?
> Is it mandated for patient facing employees?
> Thanks
> Charlie
> Charles D Hackett, MD, MPH
> Chief Community and Family Medicine, Rhode Island Hospital
> Clinical Assistant Professor of Family Medicine, Brown University
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