Jonsquill -- Biblical insight that seeks to feed the whole person.


About Jonsquill
English (USA)

The Daily Thought was published on the Internet for several decades. It began with the intent of trying to compress into the area of a single book page worthwhile Biblical teaching that will meet the needs of the total Christian. It is continued in frequent Thought for Today meditations expanded as we draw closer to the end of the age. Much of the teaching these days is concentrated in Eschatology, the Study of Last Things.
The reader should find material for study, contemplation, devotion, and meditation over the course of each month.

Because the writers intend to meet those needs the subscriber will find the topics wide ranging, but always based in the Word of God. Ideas for future thoughts are often proposed by subscribers as they ask questions, offer comment and make suggestions mailed to

Your Bible teacher, Harest L. Ford II, is the grandson of a noted Bible teacher for whom he was named, and he carries on the family legacy. His two great loves related to Biblical studies are Biblical Doctrine and Eschatology.

Pastor Franklin L. Kirksye is a noted author and speaker contributing weekly inspiring devotionals to the ministry to the ministry.

Pastor Rodney Wilburn, D.Min. is the contributing preacher to the ministry whose work often is sent for your Sunday needs for meditation after attending your own churches.

Pastor Blake Terry, provides Biblical Teaching in an informal setting from his church as well.

Dr. Elizabeth Noel has recently joined our staff as a contributing devotional writer.

And Timothy H. Ford, occasionally writes inspirational pieces for the ministry.

You will find other names appearing on material from time to time.We try for a degree of informality that should exist between members of the family of God.

Dr. Michael Ford, our founder, is favorably rated in the Who's Who of Prophecy Teachers and you may consult that website to see his and other prominent prophecy teacher's ratings

The topics covered are intended to be responsive, as much as possible to the suggestions of members of the list. In a sense the Daily Thought is interactive. At times questions raised among the members are responded to individually.

Pastors are welcome to use material they read here in their own preaching endeavors. The desire is to be Gospel sharers with all who love the Lord Jesus Christ and the hope of His appearing.

The Biblical text of the ministry is primarily the Authorized Version also known as the King James Bible. References to original tongues will use the Hebrew Masoretic and the Greek Textus Receptus unless some other is referred to specifically for exposure purposes.

The material contained in the messages follow literal and conservative rules of interpretation, seeking to express the Word of God simply, clearly, and honestly. The only warning that can be affixed to our work is that if you are not a Christian, or unwilling to expose yourself to the precepts of the Most High, you should not go here.

To learn and avail yourself of additional teaching material, visit the Jonsquill Ministries websites at

To see the collection of prior postings to the list, visit the Jonsquill Archives. (The current archive is only available to the list members.)

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